Songs that throw me back..

There's a parallel between photographs and songs in that they can both take you back to a moment, producing vivid memories and nostalgia, and that's just one of the reasons I love music so much. Some music induced memories I have are.. (I may have done a similar post to this before, but after 200 … Continue reading Songs that throw me back..

An Erasmus Reunion! (London and Bristol)

So after visiting Nijmegen last weekend, one week later and I've had a mini reunion with three of my best Erasmus buddies! My friend Thuy, from Portland, Oregon flew over for a few days and, after picking him up from Gatwick, we headed to Bristol to meet up with two more friends from our year … Continue reading An Erasmus Reunion! (London and Bristol)

Revisiting My Erasmus City (Nijmegen)

When you leave anywhere that you've made memories, you leave a piece of yourself there. My year abroad was one of the most memorable of my life, so the itch to reunite with the place and revel in the nostalgia was unbearable, until I found cheap flights back to the Netherlands and cemented a weekend … Continue reading Revisiting My Erasmus City (Nijmegen)

Does Budapest Justify It’s Hype?

When I did my little trip to Bratislava, Vienna and Brno there was one more stop I was particularly excited for- Budapest. Everyone I've ever spoken to about it always declares their love for the place; raves about the city. So I had high hopes heading in on the long bus from Brno.. First things … Continue reading Does Budapest Justify It’s Hype?

The 5 Albums That Shaped My Music Taste Today

I'd say currently, my taste in music is the most eclectic, vast and inclusive it's ever been. I listen to a range of genres and don't exclude anything based on 'artistic merit' or the like, whilst previously all pop was 'trash' to me for simply being pop music. I've matured and like what I like, … Continue reading The 5 Albums That Shaped My Music Taste Today