I’m SO Beginner

I set out with the best intentions today. Pinterest is constantly full of the coolest double exposure photography, which I flipping love and it looks so professional. Naturally I thought I’d give it a go myself, and what I ended up with was definitely not what I was after.

Double exposure is where you see an image of some sort, usually a texture, through a slightly transparent top layer. Usually a woman’s hair become twigs or something like that.

I set out wanting my face as flowers, which it kind of is but not to the extent that I was after.

The photos still pretty cool, but to get what I was after I need to next time use a photo that’s more of a silhouette, and then to get happy with the eraser tool, deleting all the extra details. I could’ve done this today but I actually quite liked the big red door and the overlapping flowers.

Thanks for reading such a short little post! Please follow me for more!!

8 thoughts on “I’m SO Beginner

  1. As someone who is moving past her struggles with ‘perfectionism’ I appreciate you putting your art there though it wasn’t exactly what you wanted, and sharing what you’d do differently. Other people interested in double exposure photography can learn from what you post in addition to the oohs and aaahs.

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